Public Works
INSTITUTIONS built and maintained by Sri Thathayya
The most important part of Venkata Krishnaiaha’s life work was as a public man and journalist. These two capacities were of course complementary to each other. Besides many beneficent activities one of his great services to the country was to mobilize public opinion in his capacity as the editor of newspaper and act as a critic. But his criticism was of a constructive nature and never destructive. As an educationist of renown, who was responsible for the founding and the maintenance of a number of educational institutions like Marimallappa, Sadvidya, Sharada Vilas, Maharani’s etc. which speaks volumes for the great work which he accomplished as a far-seeing educator. His contribution is significant in making Mysore ‘Shikshana Kashi’ an educational hub and making it into a model city. The versatile personality in Venkatakrishnaiah made him to contribute in a number of fields including Social Service, Literature, Journalism, Education, Polity etc. Throughout his life he fought for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden. He struggled hard to eradicate untouchablity and for woman education.
Some of the important Institutions built and maintained by Sri Thathayya in Mysore are:
- The Anathalaya®, Mysore
- The Sharadavilasa Institutions
- The Marimallappa Institutions
- The Sadvidya Patashala
- The Maharani College
- Panchama Vocational Institute and Education League
- Other Public Instituions
His kindheartedness and sympathy for the poor and helpless were well-known; the Anathalaya in Mysore is a standing monument to his service for helping destitute or Orphans. The Anathalya started in a small building called Niranjana Mutt in Krashnavilasa Agrahara which was situated at the east side of Shree Sheshadri Iyar building . It was belonged to Nanjundappa. Before his last breath he had transferred this property to Swami Vishweswarananda . This swamiji were taking care of some orphan children.
In 1896 swamiji made a committee with the leadership of Shree Venkata krashnayya who was the famous social activist of that time and transferred the responsibility of mutt to this committee .This committee members initiated one orphan house in the mutt with the public and government support. Swamiji went to north India tour for the collection of donation to make this orphanage in to self sufficient. Unfortunately swamiji died on the way. Ultimately whole responsibility of this orphanage came to shree Venkatakrashnayya .
He did door to door visiting campaign to collect money and material needed to run the orphanage .He built a local committee in each mohalla of Mysore to support this cause. There were 52 student in the orphanage at the time of 1915 and life skills like tailoring ,handcrafts etc were used to teach to the student of orphanage at free of cost.
Meanwhile government authority of Mysore had taken this building for girls school.But allotted another place for orphan house along with grant of Rs 4460.00 as building fund .
Shree Venkatakrishnayya felt that still more money is needed to construct the orphan house with sufficient facility. So Venkatakrishnayya himself collected another Rs 25000.00 from different source. He managed all the responsibility of orphan house until his last breath on 8th November 1933 . Though his death is a great loss for the orphanage , even today this institution is working effectively as his blessing on the orphan house is forever .
News and Events
Event 01
Thathayya birthday celebration and Website Launch about Thathayya at Sharadavilas Auditorium, Mysore on
11.5.2011. Read More

I hold a great respect in my heart for Sri Venkatakrishnayya’s efforts towards Public Service, eradication of discrimination among poor and backward classes of the Soceity. I would like to bestow upon him the title of ‘Bheeshma of Mysore’.
– Mahatma Gandhi
I am not secluded from the group of admirers who respect, appreciate Sri Venkatakrishnayya’s Patriotism, Public service and selflessness in contributing his life for the betterment of Soceity.
– Sir. M.Vishweshwarayya
Shri. Venkatakrishnayya is well known for his social activities in mysore and his dedicated life. He has done yeoman`s service for in the field of social service and education.
– Late Sri Chamaraja Odeyar, Maharaja of Mysore
If it be proper to regard the spiritual value of a thing as higher than all its other values, it should be no exaggeration to describe Sri M. Venkatakrishnayya as the greatest among the patriots of modern Mysore.
– Dr.D.V.Gundappa (DVG)